Due to the weather conditions, post prom will be postponed until tomorrow afternoon. The bus will leave the school in Big Springs at 2:00pm and return from the Brule Activity Center around 4:30pm.
Please bring items for our local food pantry as admission.
South Platte Prom Grand March will begin at 8:30pm. The public is welcome to attend!
Congratulations to Paisley Johnson! She is the first student in Mr. Richards’s class to take apart AND reassemble the Gordian’s Knot Puzzle. Then for a challenge she took on the Genius Chinese Pagoda Puzzle and solved it as well. Another feat never that has never been accomplished by any other student! Way to go Paisley!
Thank you to all our post prom supporters! We appreciate your donations and are looking forward to a fun night! Big thanks to parents, this event could not happen without your help and support! -Knight Watchers Booster Club-
JH track at Paxton on Wednesday. Bus will leave Big Springs at 715 (be there at 7:00). The bus will pickup in Brule(Tennis Courts) at 730, Ogallala (Dollar Tree) at 7:45.
Schedule of events: https://5il.co/2hmht
Good Luck HS Track at Creek Valley today! Order of events: https://5il.co/2hmhq
Week of April 1, 2024
Monday 4/1
No School - Easter Break
Gym Closed - Prom Decorating
Tuesday 4/2
Gym Closed - Prom Decorating
9:00am TriState Track @ Creek Valley. Depart 7:00am. Bus. Track Meet Information: https://5il.co/2hmhq
Wednesday 4/3
Gym Closed - Prom Decorating
State FFA @ Lincoln. Depart 10:00am
9:00am JH Track @ Paxton. Depart: 7:15am. Bus. Meet Information: https://5il.co/2hmht
Thursday 4/4
Gym Closed - Prom Decorating
State FFA @ Lincoln. Depart
Friday 4/5
Gym Closed - Prom Decorating
State FFA @ Lincoln. Depart
Saturday 4/6
Good Luck HS Track at Sutherland today!
Here is the live link for today's meet: http://anet.live/7o1sgl
Good luck to the South Platte Track teams today at Sutherland. Track Parents: A few weeks ago you should have received an email from SportsYou to join the track team information page at the email you provided the school this fall. If you don’t have that email and would like to have access please let one of the coaches know. They post the track meet schedules, practice updates and other important information on that app.
Today's lunch (3/26) will be hamburgers/french fries.
MAC Music Contest Updates!
Due to the road conditions and closures in the eastern part of our district, South Platte Schools will have a 10am start on Tuesday, March 26.
And just like that this sensational seniors speech career has come to an end. 6th place in POI and Humor for Dash Richards at the state speech tournament in Kearney on Friday. Way to go Dash!
Due to the anticipated winter storm, there will be NO SCHOOL at South Platte on Monday, March 25th. Quiz bowl and sports practices are cancelled as well. Stay safe!
Speech Night. Tuesday, March 26, 6:30pm in the Library.
Week of March 25, 2024
Monday 3/25
12:00pm JH Quiz Bowl @ North Platte. Depart 10:00am.
5:30pm HS Quiz Bowl @ Paxton. Depart 4:15pm.
Tuesday 3/26
MAC Music @ Garden County. Depart van-7:45am. Bus-11:45am
8:00am ACT Testing - Juniors
10:00am HS Golf @ Crandall Creek. POSTPONED
Wednesday 3/207
12:45 Dismissal- Teacher In Service
12:00 HS Quiz Bowl @ North Platte. Depart 10:00am.
Thursday 3/28
11:00am HS Track @ Sutherland. Depart: 8:00am. Bus:Jason Cheleen
Friday 3/29
No School - Easter Break
Saturday 3/30
Congratulations to our Girls’ Basketball Keith County News All Area Selections:
Maddi Cheleen- 1st team
Isabelle Reichman- 2nd team
Johanna Frerichs- 2nd team
Zaerihya Doncheske- Honorable Mention
Good Luck Quinten, Dashle and Madison at State Speech on Friday!