Congratulations to the South Platte speech team at Perkins County on Saturday. They ALL did Great!
Dash - humorous prose CHAMPION!
Haily - serious 3rd,
Paola - poetry 9th
Joseph serious 5th and top novice serious speaker.
Maddi set the school record for Career 3 Pointers. Congratulations Maddi!
Dashle set a new school record for points in a game at the MAC tournament. Congratulations Dashle!
Update to JV schedule today at Potter-Dix
4:15 JV BOYS vs P-D
5:30 JV GIRLS vs P-D
Schedule for tomorrow TBA.
Week of January 30, 2023
Monday 1/30
1:00pm JH Basketball @ Wallace. Depart: 11:00am
JV Basketball Tournament @ Potter-Dix Depart: 1:00pm - Tournament Info
3:00pm South Platte Boys vs Pine Bluffs
4:15pm South Platte Girls vs Pine Bluffs
Tuesday 1/31
JV Basketball Tournament @ Potter-Dix Depart: TBA - Tournament Info
Game Times: TBA
Wednesday 2/1
1:00pm JH Basketball vs Leyton HOME
Thursday 2/2
MAC/WTC/SPVA Wrestling @ Bridgeport
4:30pm HS Basketball @ Paxton
Friday 2/3
3:00pm Girls District Wrestling @ Bridgeport. Depart: 10:30am
3:00pm HS Basketball vs Arthur County - HOME - Senior Night
Saturday 2/4
9:00am Girls District Wrestling @ Bridgeport
Speech meet @ Sutherland
The FFA dance scheduled for tonight has been cancelled due to weather. Please spread the word!
Due to the road conditions on our west bus route, there will be NO School on Friday, January 27th
Due to blowing and drifting snow we will have a 10am late start on Friday, January 27th.
It's Game Day!
Good Luck Knights!
High School Basketball @ Garden County
4:00pm Boys JV (3 Quarters)
5:00pm Girls Varsity followed by Boys Varsity
Congratulations to our SPK Spelling Bee Participants!
1st Place - Brayden Kendall
2nd Place - Jared Scherbarth
REMINDER: 12:45 Dismissal today (1/25/23) for teacher in-service.
Game day at SPK!
1:00 JH basketball vs Minatare
4:00 HS basketball vs Bayard
The Deuel County Spelling Bee will feature the top 2 spellers from grades 5-8.
Week of Jan 16, 2023
Monday 1/23
MAC Choir Clinic - Bayard - Performance 5:00pm
Tuesday 1/24
1:00pm JH Basketball vs Minatare
JH Girls A, JH Girls B, JH Boys A, JH Boys B
4:00pm HS Basketball vs Bayard
JV Girls(2Q), JV Boys(2Q), Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
Wednesday 1/25
8:30am FFA CDE#1 @ North Platte D&N Event Center. Depart:
10:30am Deuel County Spelling Bee @ Creek Valley
12:45 dismissal - Teacher Inservice
1:00pm JH Basketball @ Creek Valley Depart: 11:30
Thursday 1/26
4:00pm HS Basketball @ Garden County. Depart: 2:00pm
Boys JV(4Q), Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
Friday 1/27
9:00am HS Wrestling @ Medicine Valley. Depart: 5:30am
Saturday 1/28
Speech @ Perkins County
8:30-11:30pm FFA Sweetheart Dance
Congratulations Lady Knights! 3rd Place at MAC!
Good Luck at MAC basketball today!
9am Boys vs Minatare
12pm Girl vs Garden Co
Lunch Menu for next week.
Monday-pulled pork sandwich
Tuesday- popcorn chicken
Rest of the week as planned on menu
No school at South Platte today January 20th. The MAC conference basketball game scheduled for this evening at 4:45 is still planned as scheduled. If anything changes to that schedule we will notify you via Facebook.
South Platte will have a 10am Late Start on Friday, January 20th.
Updated MAC Basketball Brackets! Semifinals will be played on FRIDAY at Bridgeport.
Semifinal game information: FRIDAY 4:45pm South Platte Girls vs Bayard @ Bridgeport
Consolation game information: SATURDAY 9:00am South Platte Boys vs Minatare @ Bridgeport